Monday, April 15, 2013

Social Network Tools


One Social Network Tool that I have been eagered to find more about is LinkedIn,
Receiving emails upon emails from personal contacts to join this new Networking site, I finally took the time to read in. LinkedIn is a popular network tool to support experienced professionals worldwide. Setting up a profile to summarize your accomplishments, you find or are founded by other professionals. LinkedIn is a  site that will give you the opportunity to build your most resourceful key in success, networking.
Currently, I am seeking new employment in my career as a Dental Assistant. LinkedIn will allow me to stay connected and find employment in the very large, yet small dental world.
I am confident that this is a secured network tool for many of my close and personal contacts use this site and it is rated as a 100% success rate for networking. Knowing this, I joined the LinkedIn world. I was surprised by how quick and easy it was to set up my account. After entering my contact information, it as a step by step process. After one question was asked and completed another would follow. If you would like to add additional information you can, but the basics were simple. Name,contact, employment and schooling background. Easy.
I am looking forward to seeing exactly how my new LInkedIN account will benefit my search for employment for I could be contacted by a dentist themselves or if I will be linked to a dentist by a family or friend that i am connected with on this specific site. Unfortunately, in order to contact a member about employment opportunity, you do need to be a fully subscribed member. Cost is 25 dollars a month. I will hope for the best and keep my funds.


A very helpful Social Network tool that all parents with children that are a member on Facebook and Twitter need to know about is called MinorMonitor.
MinorMonitor is a site that helps parents monitor their childrens social accounts from potentially dangerous activities such as bullying, hate crimes, drug use and sexual references.
There has been numerous stories of children taking their own lives because of how a peer or another member has impacted their lives in such a negative manner over the internet.
I learned that 38% of children on Facebook are 12 years and under. Having children grow up in the technological world includes social media sites. You have to remember as a parent that just because your child may be in your home "out of harms way", there is an entire world of danger happening right inside your very own home; on the internet.
MinorMonitor is a web-based product that is used personally, for free. This tool is easy to set up for there is no custom settings. MinorMonitor does has a privacy policy stating that the information given is secured and not shared. Always take the time to read the Terms of Use. The difficult part is getting your child to agree in your monitoring privileges for you need your childs log-in information. Do not take the chances of the unknown. Take control.