Monday, April 29, 2013

Choice Tool

Smarty Pig

Smarty Pig is an online piggy bank. Free and easy to use, Smarty Pig helps keep saving for wanted items at ease. This financial management tool is fairly basic, but makes saving money easy and fun.  When you have a basic checking account through your bank you may also have a basic savings account as well. Have you ever been able to set up five or more saving accounts that are labeled for specific items you are saving for? Smarty Pig allows you to see all categories that you are saving for and lets you chose the amount of money that you would like to enter towards each saving. You can chose to set up automatic withdrawals through bank accounts or transfer money when you decide. I learned that you can also share your saving goals online with friends and family so that they can help contribute towards your savings.
When choosing an item such as a wedding day, you will be asked to set a goal date. This will help keep you on track on motivated when you see that you are only a certain percentage away from your goal date. This account will also give you an exact estimate of how much money has to be put away on a monthly basis so you can prepare.
As a student I would see this tool as a great way to manage wants between needs. Setting a goal and keeping yourself on track will help with those sudden urges to buy.

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